Knowledge Management

(KM) has been considered as the process of turning Data (collection of Facts, measurements or statistics) into Information (timely and accurate processed data) and, further on, to Knowledge (relevant and actionable information in Context) (Kanter, 1999; Spiegler, 2000).

Others consider KM to be the process for acquiring, organising and communicating both tacit and explicit knowledge of employees in an organisation in favour for other employees to make use of it (Alavi and Leidner, 2001). This knowledge sharing aims to develop more effective and productive students and employees.


Teaching knowledge management by combining wikis and screen capture videos page

The Arrangement axiom gives permission to take multiple forms out of the interior Content of a Frame and put them into separate frames, so long as we carry their Context — i.e. their Frame Type, (A [...]) — along with them.