See Workspace for *2021-11-23 DH Plenum* Topicmap
– the Containers for Your Meetings, and Reading reflections to Knowledge Representation and Archivs
Round Robin
- not only texts, but also e.g. images and sounds can be archived --> relevant for accessibility
How clear structures a meeting
One of the simple facilitation techniques we use every meeting is a round robin. We go around to everyone at the table, in order, and they have a chance to speak or weigh in on the topic. Anyone can “pass” and choose not to speak, but it also means the junior researchers, introverts, women, people of colour, new recruits, and others that may not otherwise speak have a chance to share their insights. We often do one of these at the end of the meeting to see how everyone is doing/what their main take away was. (Note: This is not a talking circle, …
# See also
* Picnic
* What Is Text?, Autopoiesis
* Zettelkasten, "Jokerzettel" niklas-luhmann-archiv , and Communicating with Slip Boxes