
lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). github , docs


KARTSAKLIS, Dimitri, FAN, Ian, YEUNG, Richie, PEARSON, Anna, LORENZ, Robin, TOUMI, Alexis, DE FELICE, Giovanni, MEICHANETZIDIS, Konstantinos, CLARK, Stephen and COECKE, Bob, 2021. lambeq: An Efficient High-Level Python Library for Quantum NLP. Online. 8 October 2021. [Accessed 14 June 2022]. DOI 10.48550/arXiv.2110.04236.

> We present lambeq, the first high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP). The open-source toolkit offers a detailed hierarchy of modules and classes implementing all stages of a pipeline for converting sentences to string diagrams, tensor networks, and quantum circuits ready to be used on a quantum computer. lambeq supports syntactic parsing, rewriting and simplification of string diagrams, ansatz creation and manipulation, as well as a number of compositional models for preparing quantum-friendly representations of sentences, employing various degrees of syntax sensitivity. We present the generic architecture and describe the most important modules in detail, demonstrating the usage with illustrative examples. Further, we test the toolkit in practice by using it to perform a number of experiments on simple NLP tasks, implementing both classical and quantum pipelines.

# Pipeline implemented by lambeq