The key to the transformative power of Agile is fast, iterative learning cycles. The learning cycle begins with an intention. Then a commitment, an action, and a reflection. Then it begins again. The intention may be a question. Or it may be a desired solution. This intention is best inspired when aligned to an Audacious Aspiration.
Each of these learning cycles have three primary components: - Define - Do - Decipher
You first have to define what you are going to do and how you will define success. You then have to do what you committed to do. And then you have to reflect on that experience to understand what you learned. Each learning cycle has an element of experimentation, guided by curiosity. Each time we are called upon to fearlessly walking into the unknown.
Inevitably, in this process, things won't work like we thought they might. And there are elements of failure, that which is better know as 'surprise'. When we reflect on each cycle, we are able to identify the incorrect assumptions that were responsible for these surprises. This process allows us to better understand the true nature of the problem and become more empowered to solve it.
But then there those Eureka Moments where all of the pieces come together into the solution. These moments of clarity feel magical. They often come when we least expect them. When we are sitting uncomfortably in the abyss of unknowing. Then, suddenly, understanding manifests.
The faster we are able to move through these learning cycles, the faster we are able to understand the problem and develop an elegant solution. Something that feels whole. This process requires structure and discipline, that which cultivates the Agile Mindset.
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