My journey with Griffin has taught me so many valuable lessons as an educator, many of which can be best distilled in the phrase ‘Learning is the Work’, a mantra we have at Griffin. It’s our very first work as babies and continues to be our most important work as we grow and change, as we journey through childhood, choose a career and climb our way up the profession ladder. We 'work' at learning; continually learning is our life's work.
Learning, playing, adapting and striving to do things more productively, meaningfully, differently as we understand more and perceive betterment seems like a given, but it’s not. There’s safety in the comfortable and fixed. There’s content with reaching a certain point, an ease in plateauing. But plateauing is not life-giving. It does not sustain us nor does it help us to thrive. Our ‘doing what we’ve always done’ serves no one, not even ourselves.
At Griffin, learning is the learner's work but it's also our work as educators. We must, too, be Learners, Not Students if we are to provide our learners with an education worth having. The Griffin Graduate is reliant on it.
Next: Learners, Not Students