Learning Navigation Schema

We accumulate stories with meanings unique to our human sapience. We begin with a schema, instantiate graph fragments within that schema, and then assemble fragments to discover new stories where fragments touch.

# Schema

Thompson, et. al. learning network. arrows

//wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/assets/pages/mock-graph-data/nav-schema.html HEIGHT 200


# Telling

//wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/assets/pages/mock-graph-data/creator.html HEIGHT 100


# Composite

//wiki.ralfbarkow.ch/assets/pages/mock-graph-data/composite.html HEIGHT 200

# Example

digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=TB 0 0 node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Person Learner" ] 1 [label="Intention Meaning" ] 2 [label="Experiment Write" ] 3 [label="Model Process Framework" ] 4 [label="Model Nodules" ] 5 [label="Experiment Property Graphs" penwidth=3] 6 [label="Intention Systems" ] 0->1 [label="Seeks" labeltooltip="learner.graph.json"] 1->2 [label="Inspires" labeltooltip="learner.graph.json"] 2->3 [label="Unfolds" labeltooltip="learner.graph.json"] 0->3 [label="Creates" labeltooltip="learner.graph.json"] 5->4 [label="Unfolds" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] 6->5 [label="Inspires" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] 0->6 [label="Seeks" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] }