
Lil is the scripting language of Decker. It is strongly influenced by both Lua, an imperative language popular for embedding in tools and game engines, and Q, a functional language in the APL family used with time-series databases. Lil is easy to learn and conventional enough not to ruffle any feathers for users with prior programming experience, but also includes pleasant surprises like implicit scalar-vector arithmetic and an integrated SQL-like query language. A few lines of Lil can go a long way. page

Lil Quick Reference page

Learn Lil in 10 Minutes page

Decker: A Multimedia Sketchpad page

Lilt page – the Lil Terminal github

make lilt && make install ~/Projects/RalfBarkow/Decker copying lilt to /usr/local/bin/... copying decker to /usr/local/bin/... installing lil syntax profile for Sublime Text 3 (mac)...