So essentially we are looking to port Federated wiki to holochain - so we end up with a holochain app that can use all the content and community we have already written around blockchain, commons, graphing etc but in a new holochain app.
There are other ways to think of the technical relationship between the projects that we can explore - and we can also look at, discuss and document the deep philosophy behind the idea of the two projects and where we seek to go with the project.
A clear requirement we defined, and have been discussing for a few years is to add a more robust provenance with regard to the authorship of pages as they flow through the federation (peoples servers). The need here is with regard to scientific writing, expert advise, and being able to ascertain the level of democratic (or expert) support for an idea or proposition. For this reason we've decided to call this Liquid Wiki ( no content there yet).
This relates to using Liquid Democracy with wiki pages as memes / micro propositions and enabling a demos to vote support these ideas. The first step on this path is to provide robust provenance for authorship based around personal identity (agent focussed).
The argument mapping / graphing also fits into this picture - as we need to feed back to people the relationship between argument positions and how more complex ideas are organically broken down and synthesised. Towards the end of the week we can look to see how we integrate these things. In the end you can picture this integration as a writing and research platform for liquid democracy.