The liquidity of money is an independent quantity that appears alongside values or joins the ranks of values. As a means of exchange, it becomes a store of value. And not only that: it becomes the expression and measure of wealth in general.
Money is liquid only because it actually circulates and functions as a universal equivalent, but individually it is very well possible to appropriate it, to hold it in one way or another and thus to demobilize it.
Closing the money cycle is therefore just as impossible as the money holders' assumption that they can escape circulation is imaginary. Liquidity is a contradictory concept, but nevertheless a monetary reality that drives speculation out of itself for better or for worse.
PAUL, Axel T., 2012. Die Gesellschaft des Geldes: Entwurf einer monetären Theorie der Moderne. 2., erw. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. ISBN 978-3-531-17146-3.