Literate Program Browser

The Literate Program Browser is a program browser that understands both hypertext links (ex. HTML) and the target language or languages of interest and displays them accordingly.

The user of a Literate Program Browser can annotate his or her code, embedding documentation, diagram, explanations and the like without going to any special trouble and these will be stored as companion files with the source text and the links are embedded in the source file as comments using the appropriate language comment structure. The Literate Program Browser will NOT collapse the text a'la the HTML Browsers. The result is a documentation and source approach rather like Literate Programming, but updated for the Internet/Windows/HTML world. --Ray Schneider

Sounds like something I'd like to try. Is there a place to see, try, or get one? -- Randy Kramer

In 1997, Ted Kaehler and Dan Ingalls added a hypertext capability to Squeak Smalltalk's Code Browser s. You can try it in Squeak or Pharo Smalltalk with ALT-6 (Command-6 on Mac): instructions at . As of 2009, a few Squeak methods have hypertext class comments, though you can actually add hypertext to any Squeak text (such as method definitions and Do It s).

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