Living Systems

The concept of "Autopoiesis", also jointly developed by Maturana and Varela, in conjunction with strict BCL logicians such as Löfgren and McCulloch, has created a configuration that has pointed to such "second order" phenomena. Significantly, the autopoiesis article originally appeared as a BCL report[18] and, incidentally, was simply stolen by a Boston publisher with no BCL connection.

When I (Heinz) was in Chile, we asked ourselves: "Can we write a living computer program?" If we could write such a program, it would become even clearer what we are talking about when we talk about a living system. I found the "autopoietic" form of self-organization, in which things reconstruct or construct themselves over and over again, very important. So we sat together in Chile, discussed, sat together, discussed, sat together, discussed … When the first manuscript was finished, I had to leave Chile immediately because Pinochet had staged a coup and Allende had been killed. Mai and I left Chile a few hours after Allende's assassination. We went to Mexico first, and I had the manuscript of Autopoiesis with me. One of my students, Ken Wilson, and I translated the Spanish manuscript and submitted it to Biosystems, which became the first English publication[19].

Of course, the basic idea of autopoietics, Maturana's basic idea, was very important to me – I was always a strong proponent of that concept and still consider it a very important definition. But Maturana was centrally concerned with what a living system "there" would be. And I really like his definition of what a living system "there" is. I, on the other hand, try to design a description in such a way that I include the reader, so that together we form a living system in which we play the game of writing, reading, speaking, understanding, responding.


VON FOERSTER, Heinz, Albert MÜLLER und Karl H. MÜLLER, 1997. Der Anfang von Himmel und Erde hat keinen Namen: eine Selbsterschaffung in 7 Tagen. Wien: Döcker. ISBN 978-3-85115-245-6, p. 87.