Local Kubernetes Wiki

How to install wiki in a local kubernetes cluster running in docker on an Apple computer.

We rely on many helpful tools from many opensource communities and a few commercial businesses too: kubernetes and docker, of course, homebrew, Rancher's k3s and k3d in particular. We also rely on a static wiki to bootstrap our authoring and development environment, currently hosted in a GitHub repo.

git clone https://github.com/dobbs/deploy.wiki.do cd deploy.wiki.do PATH=${PATH}:${PWD}/assets/bin install-k3d.sh install-k8s-wiki.sh

strict graph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style="filled,rounded"] subgraph cluster_macos { label="MacOS" labeljust=l "port :80" subgraph cluster_docker { label="k3s container" labeljust=l ingress -- service subgraph cluster_deployment { label="wiki-deployment" labeljust=l farm -- { "volume .wiki" "volume fedwiki" } } service -- farm "container /macos/.wiki-k8s" "container /macos/fedwiki" } "port :80" -- ingress "host ~/.wiki-k8s" "host ~/workspace/fedwiki" } { "volume .wiki" -- "container /macos/.wiki-k8s" -- "host ~/.wiki-k8s" } { "volume fedwiki" -- "container /macos/fedwiki" -- "host ~/workspace/fedwiki" } }