Local Self-Education

The Obeya Room should display a Curriculum Map which includes both current and desired content for the neighborhood. It must include curriculum and content for Neighborhood Financial Systems, Model of Social Systems and Ethical Systems.

This is were Noah Williams, possibly Kerry Turner, and I will deploy a prototype for free open-source education revealed through the FedWiki, and based upon Wikipedia and YouTube resources using Wikiversity resources and intended for neighborhood education.

See Christopher Alexander's Network of Learning pattern at Brain .

The graphs below are **EXPLORATORY**, partial, and too large. There is work to be done before they make useful sense to others.

They are taken from a large graph created by five high school students in Ferndale WA, in the Spring of 2017. What I really like about them is that this is what these students agreed they wanted to understand prior to living independently.

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] Curiosity -> {"Technical\nSkills" Employability "Reading\nWriting\nThinking" "Action\nLearning" "Psycho-\nSocial" "Financial\nSupport" "Financial\nSkills" } "Psycho-\nSocial" -> {Happiness Conflict"Emotional\nDevelopment" "Communication\nSkills" "Problem\nSolving" "Self\nRespect" Community Selfishness "Relationships with\nFamily & Friends"} Happiness -> {Purpose Adventure Indiviuality Passion Freedom Empowerment "Abstract\nThought"} Freedom -> "Dancing in\nthe Rain" Conflict -> {"Social\nPressure" Power "Role of\nStories" Drama} "Social\nPressure" -> "Social\nMedia" "Student\n& Community\nCentric" -> {"Action\nLearning" Mentors} "Emotional\nDevelopment" -> {Desire Love Heartbreak Fears Hate} Curiosity -> "Home Care\nSkills" -> {Cooking Gardening Carpentry Maintenance} [label=supports] "Economic\nModel" -> "Facility\nCentric"[label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Teacher\nCentric" [label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [label=affordable] "Individual\nChoice" -> "Class\nSize" [label=determines] "Class\nSize" -> "Economic\nModel" [label=determines] Interplay -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Interplay [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Relevance -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Mentors Mentors [color=red] Curiosity -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [label=supports] "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" -> {Science Technology Engineering Math Humanities} Boredom -> Curiosity [label=kills] Fear -> Curiosity [label=kills] Shaming -> Fear "Prescribed\nContent\n& Methods" -> Boredom Monitor [color=red] Fear [color=red] Boredom [color=red] Curiosity [color=red] "Individual\nChoice" [color=red] Monitor -> {Mentors "Individual\nChoice" Fear Boredom Curiosity} [color=red] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " //node [margin=0 fontcolor=blue fontsize=32 width=0.5 shape=circle style=filled] node [shape=circle style=filled color=yellow] "Society as\na System" -> "Beauty\nAesthetics\nPassion" -> "Good\nEthics\nFairness" -> "Truth\nScience\nTechnology" -> "Economy\nCreating\nProducing" node [shape=box color =black style=rounded] {Dance Literature Music} -> Humanities Body [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mood [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mind [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mind -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [color=green3 penwidth=4] Spirit [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Body -> {Nature Dance Athletics "Tai Chi" Meditation Mind} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Mood -> {Music Nature Meditation "Tai Chi" Mind} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Spirit -> {Science Engineering Technology Art Philosophy Politics Religion Law Music Nature Meditation "Tai Chi" Dance Athletics Mind Literature} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Mind -> "Home Care\nSkills" [color=green3 penwidth=4] Curiosity -> "Home Care\nSkills" -> {Cooking Gardening Carpentry Maintenance} [label=supports] Spirit -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Mood -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Mind -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Body -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Science -> {Natural Social } Humanities -> {Art Languages Literature Philosophy History Archaeology Anthropology "Human\nGeography" Law Politics Religion} "Economic\nModel" -> "Facility\nCentric"[label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Teacher\nCentric" [label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [label=affordable] "Individual\nChoice" -> "Class\nSize" [label=determines] "Class\nSize" -> "Economic\nModel" [label=determines] Interplay -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Interplay [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Relevance -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Mentors -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" Mentors [color=red] Curiosity -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [label=supports] "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" -> {Science Technology Engineering Math Humanities} Boredom -> Curiosity [label=kills] Fear -> Curiosity [label=kills] Shaming -> Fear "Prescribed\nContent\n& Methods" -> Boredom Monitor [color=red penwidth=2] Fear [color=red penwidth=2] Boredom [color=red penwidth=2] Curiosity [color=red penwidth=2] "Individual\nChoice" [color=red penwidth=2] Monitor -> {Mentors "Individual\nChoice" Fear Boredom Curiosity} [color=red] Science [color=blue penwidth=2] Technology [color=blue penwidth=2] Engineering [color=blue penwidth=2] Math [color=blue penwidth=2] }

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " //node [margin=0 fontcolor=blue fontsize=32 width=0.5 shape=circle style=filled] node [shape=circle style=filled color=yellow] "Society as\na System" -> "Beauty\nAesthetics\nPassion" -> "Good\nEthics\nFairness" -> "Truth\nScience\nTechnology" -> "Economy\nCreating\nProducing" "Beauty\nAesthetics\nPassion" -> {Spirit Mood Body} "Good\nEthics\nFairness" -> {Mind Mood} "Truth\nScience\nTechnology" -> {Mind} "Economy\nCreating\nProducing" -> {"Business\nInnovation" Aggriculture Distribution Retail "Home Care\nSkills" Professions "Supporting\nChildren" "Supporting\nElders" "Supporting\nInjured" "Infrastructure\nEnergy" Art Politics Law Physics Chemistry Biology Medicine Psychology Behavior Communication Finance} node [shape=box color =black style=rounded] {Dance Literature Music} -> Humanities Body [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mood [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mind [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Mind -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [color=green3 penwidth=4] Spirit [shape=circle color=green3 penwidth=4] Body -> {Nature Dance Athletics "Tai Chi" Meditation Mind} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Mood -> {Music Nature Meditation "Tai Chi" Mind} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Spirit -> {Science Engineering Technology Art Philosophy Politics Religion Law Music Nature Meditation "Tai Chi" Dance Athletics Mind Literature} [color=green3 penwidth=2] Mind -> "Home Care\nSkills" [color=green3 penwidth=4] Curiosity -> "Home Care\nSkills" -> {Cooking Gardening Carpentry Maintenance} [label=supports] Spirit -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Mood -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Mind -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Body -> Curiosity [color=orange penwidth=3] Science -> {Natural Social } Natural -> {Physics Chemistry Biology Geology Ecology Medicine} Social -> {Sociology Psychology Behavior Communication Business Economics Finance} Humanities -> {Art Languages Literature Philosophy History Archaeology Anthropology "Human\nGeography" Law Politics Religion} Art -> {Pervorming Visual Literature } "Economic\nModel" -> "Facility\nCentric"[label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Teacher\nCentric" [label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [label=affordable] "Individual\nChoice" -> "Class\nSize" [label=determines] "Class\nSize" -> "Economic\nModel" [label=determines] Interplay -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Interplay [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Relevance -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Mentors -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" Mentors [color=red] Curiosity -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [label=supports] "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" -> {Science Technology Engineering Math Business Humanities} Business -> {"Wage\nLabor" Entrepreneurship Management Finance Development} Development -> Cooperatives Cooperatives -> {Farms Retail Services Finance} Boredom -> Curiosity [label=kills] Fear -> Curiosity [label=kills] Shaming -> Fear "Prescribed\nContent\n& Methods" -> Boredom Monitor [color=red penwidth=2] Fear [color=red penwidth=2] Boredom [color=red penwidth=2] Curiosity [color=red penwidth=2] "Individual\nChoice" [color=red penwidth=2] Monitor -> {Mentors "Individual\nChoice" Fear Boredom Curiosity} [color=red] Science [color=blue penwidth=2] Technology [color=blue penwidth=2] Engineering [color=blue penwidth=2] Math [color=blue penwidth=2] }

How would these five students have wanted to approach their focused learning, what we could call Course Work until a better name if found?

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] "Action\nLearning" [style=filled fillcolor=green1] Curiosity -> {"Technical\nSkills" Employability "Reading\nWriting\nThinking" "Action\nLearning" "Psycho-\nSocial" "Financial\nSupport" "Financial\nSkills" } "Psycho-\nSocial" -> {Happiness Conflict"Emotional\nDevelopment" "Communication\nSkills" "Problem\nSolving" "Self\nRespect" Community Selfishness "Relationships with\nFamily & Friends"} Happiness -> {Purpose Adventure Indiviuality Passion Freedom Empowerment "Abstract\nThought"} Freedom -> "Dancing in\nthe Rain" Conflict -> {"Social\nPressure" Power "Role of\nStories" Drama} "Social\nPressure" -> "Social\nMedia" "Student\n& Community\nCentric" -> {"Action\nLearning" Mentors} "Emotional\nDevelopment" -> {Desire Love Heartbreak Fears Hate} Curiosity -> "Home Care\nSkills" -> {Cooking Gardening Carpentry Maintenance} [label=supports] "Economic\nModel" -> "Facility\nCentric"[label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Teacher\nCentric" [label=costly] "Economic\nModel" -> "Student\n& Community\nCentric" [label=affordable] "Individual\nChoice" -> "Class\nSize" [label=determines] "Class\nSize" -> "Economic\nModel" [label=determines] Interplay -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Interplay [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Relevance -> Curiosity [label=supports] "Individual\nChoice" -> Mentors Mentors [color=red] Curiosity -> "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" [label=supports] "Individual\nAcademic\nInterests" -> {Science Technology Engineering Math Humanities} Boredom -> Curiosity [label=kills] Fear -> Curiosity [label=kills] Shaming -> Fear "Prescribed\nContent\n& Methods" -> Boredom Monitor [color=red] Fear [color=red] Boredom [color=red] Curiosity [color=red] "Individual\nChoice" [color=red] Monitor -> {Mentors "Individual\nChoice" Fear Boredom Curiosity} [color=red] }


DOT strict digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] HERE NODE node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] HERE BACKLINKS NODE -> HERE STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] "Welcome Visitors" node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] "Review Changes" -> "Welcome Visitors" "Sustainable Development" -> "Welcome Visitors" "You're New Here" -> "Welcome Visitors" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "How To Wiki" -> "Review Changes" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Development" -> "Sustainable Development" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey]}


STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black] "Local Self-Education" node [style="solid,rounded,filled" fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] edge [style=solid penwidth=1 color=black] "Banana Mountain Workshop" -> "Local Self-Education" "Education" -> "Local Self-Education" "Finance" -> "Local Self-Education" "Item Type Survey" -> "Local Self-Education" "Learner Led Design of Learning" -> "Local Self-Education" "Marc's Education Pages" -> "Local Self-Education" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Local Self-Education" "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" -> "Local Self-Education" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "7 Metasystemic Topics" -> "Education" "Index iPBSM" -> "Education" "Item Type Survey" -> "Education" "Local Self-Education" -> "Education" "ReLocalize Education" -> "Education" "ReLocalize Pattern Catalogue" -> "Education" "S. Brand on Pace Layering" -> "Education" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Education" "Adverse Childhood Events" -> "Education" "Frame Script Survey" -> "Education" "Geopol Subsidiarity Diagram" -> "Education" "Journal Fork Survey" -> "Education" "Sustainable Development Goals" -> "Education" "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" -> "Education" "Towards a Human Society of Trust and Truth: A 2120 Vision" -> "Education" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Item Type Survey" -> "Finance" "Local Jobs" -> "Finance" "Localization Guide" -> "Finance" "Power of Neighbors" -> "Finance" "Regen Ag Diagram" -> "Finance" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Finance" "5. Economics of Change and Change of Economics" -> "Finance" "Ecologically Capable Charter of Accounts" -> "Finance" "Economics Working Group" -> "Finance" "Finance and Fairness" -> "Finance" "Geopol Subsidiarity Diagram" -> "Finance" "Goal 19: Equitable finance systems" -> "Finance" "Neighborhood Financial Systems" -> "Finance" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Item Type Survey Probe" -> "Item Type Survey" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Item Type Survey" "Item Type Survey" -> "Item Type Survey" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "iSCD" -> "Learner Led Design of Learning" "Item Type Survey" -> "Learner Led Design of Learning" "Learning Instead of Teaching" -> "Learner Led Design of Learning" "Marc's Education Pages" -> "Learner Led Design of Learning" "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" -> "Learner Led Design of Learning" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Banana Mountain Workshop" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Index iPBSM" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Marc as Mentor" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Search for 'conversation'" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Item Type Survey" -> "Marc's Education Pages" "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" -> "Marc's Education Pages" node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] node [style="dotted,rounded,filled" penwidth=1 fillcolor=white color=grey] edge [style=dotted penwidth=1 color=grey] "Search for 'conversation'" -> "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" "Search for 'neighborhood'" -> "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki" "Item Type Survey" -> "Teach & Implement Journalism in FedWiki"}