Local Symmetry

Symmetry is in many ways the most important property in cities, and in living structures too. There

Environmental structures without a legible symmetry are chaotic and ugly. But environmental structures with relentless symmetry at all scales can become lifeless and oppressive.


Use symmetry to create beauty at local and human scales, but use it sparingly at larger scales. Break the symmetry as needed to respond to changes in terrain or other environmental conditions. Do not use symmetry slavishly, but as an asset to be applied within a looser, more complex geometric system.

When … This pattern begins a section on broader geometric properties that are included in many other patterns at many scales. We can see these geometric patterns in Biophilic Urbanism (p. 48), in PLace Networks (p. 90), in Courtyard Building (p. 122), and in many other parts of the city...

Then Use local symmetry to create Ornamental Construction (p. 157) and Human-Scale Detail (p. 154)...