List Indexcard M
Index card for the letter M (⇒ Site Index)
- (within Shape) ⇒ EuroPLoP Project Diary
Murmuration (within Meta)
A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk (within Smalltalk), 6829
⇒ Laws of Form Objects github – See section 5.3.1 of Andrés Valloud, „A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk“, 2010
Make Commoning Work (within Bureaucracy)
Milton Mamani Torres (within github issue )
The Theory of Model Power and of Model Monopoly by Stein Bråten (within ~/mdp/0c1) page
Mystery (within r.Vergessen.Esposito)
Mangel an Wissen (within r.Vergessen.Esposito) See: Lack of Knowledge
Make Decisions (Entscheidungen) (within r.Vergessen.Esposito)
Measurement (within Simple View) See: The goal question metric approach, mechanism for creating a corporate **Memory**
- Memory Effects - **Memory Game** See: Zettelkasten as a Memory Game
Murmuration (within a Circle, Shape)
Mouse See: The Augmented Conversation and The Design of Microverse, Track Dampening (within NSD Editor)
Track Dampening (within NSD Editor)
Macht See: Macht im System
– (within Flüchtige Zeiten)
**Mark the Bot’s Starting Point** See: checks(item) (within telling.js and Story Telling)
Market Walkthrough (within Episodes)
Mathematics remains symbolic See: Return to Postsymbolism
**Money** (within Sacred Economics
meaningful (within Zoom to Group) See: Cluster
Monkey (within Pair Programming)
Message (within PN Modeling Guidelines)
Mitbestimmungsprosa, 6442, 6436 See: Co-Determination Prose, 6436
We've moved quickly from idea to implementation for wiki scripting using the block language inspired Mech, alluding to the powerful extension of the human operator.
=> Mech Streams
=> "mech" plugin
Mike Caulfield See: Timeless, 6496
Moral, 6721 See: Collective Responsibility
Management Evolution, 6723, See: Rendanheyi, Zero Distance
Management Innovation, 6728
End of List Indexcard
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