Medium of Education

Inquiries into the medium of education take up a question which has so far usually been answered teleologically or psychologically.

The coherence of educational endeavors was illustrated by their objective and this again was illustrated by the changes in the State of the educatees. This leads to the difficulty that no educator is able to known the inner State of the educatee, i.e. that which the latter really experiences, remembers, and expects during the process of education. And the drawback of all teleology is that it does not provide a concept for the frequent failure of these efforts. This kind of theory can be replaced by the distinction between medium and form.

Information media


LUHMANN, NIKLAS, 1991. Das Kind als Medium der Erziehung. Online. 1991. [Accessed 21 November 2022]. DOI 10.25656/01:11806.

BAECKER, Dirk, 2006. Erziehung im Medium der Intelligenz. In: EHRENSPECK, Yvonne and LENZEN, Dieter (eds.), Beobachtungen des Erziehungssystems. Online. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. p. 26–66. [Accessed 18 February 2023]. ISBN 978-3-531-14992-9.