In 2006 Steve Burbeck suggested that a wiki devoted to the application of multicellular innovation to modern problems in computing might be a useful extension of a report he had written on the subject. Cyberyota was born. website
Communication and collaboration is based upon exchange of polymorphic messages rather than exchange of "executable" code (DNA/RNA in the case of biological cells, machine code in the case of computing. Only the specialized cell can know what behavior to invoke given a certain message. page
Ward via matrix
> I think Elm could fit nicely into a Frame and that a small port shim could encourage its use. Our Frame Plugin interacts with the rest of wiki through messaging similar to but much simpler than the way Electron talks to the host window system. I'm pretty addicted to bare ES6 after years of building CoffeeScript but if Elm brings something to the environment I'm happy to see it.
Elm & Electron ? r/elm
See also Interop’s Labyrinth
In a future of decentralised web components interlinked by a range of protocols, how do these components interact with each other?
__Web Messaging__ or __cross-document messaging__, is an API introduced in the WHATWG HTML5 draft specification, allowing documents to communicate with one another across different origins, or source domains while rendered in a web browser. wikipedia
The Channel Messaging API allows two separate scripts running in different browsing contexts attached to the same document (e.g., two IFrames, or the main document and an IFrame, two documents via a SharedWorker, or two workers) to communicate directly, passing messages between one another through two-way channels (or pipes) with a port at each end. mdn