
Now, some folks will recall that since day one (in fact, since before day one) the hope for Matrix was that it might end up as the communications fabric of the Metaverse. We were about 4 years early when we first starting enthusing about this, and then still ahead of our time when we did the world’s first 3D Video calling over Matrix. However, it now feels like the world has finally caught up - and we’re in grave danger of being overtaken by a Dystopia where the big tech companies balkanize the Metaverse into a series of closed proprietary user-exploiting walled gardens, much like today’s incumbent chat silos - but even worse.

What is the metaverse? It's an interconnected system of digital places which can be in VR, AR or 2D. Important aspects are the immersion, it feels like one shares the same space with other people. This feeling will probably be more pronounced in a VR or AR environment. Also, we want to be able to own digital assets and to bring those with us to other platforms. Big Tech is investing heavily.

> Apple […] will promote the narrative that they don't want people to retire from the physical world.

When you want to invest in the metaverse, one can go direcltly for obvious players such as Roblox. But maybe it makes also sense to look at those companies who make the stuff which will be needed to build the metaverse and to keep it running. Think about the gold rush, one could have invested in a mining operation, but maybe it was more durable and profitable to invest in the equipment providers.

Today Roland Legrand learned about Meta's AI Research SuperCluster (RSC). This computer monster will perform at almost 5 exaflops of mixed precision computing. Mark Zuckerberg says the metaverse needs quintillions of operations per second. Think about content moderation and realtime voice translations. Read more on the MetaAI-blog .