
Every single one of these methods and tools would have to be adapted, even redesigned, to make them understandable and practical for future residents, according to Marc. This translation and everything that goes with it is the work he sees ahead. For him, this can only happen in partnership with neighbors in the neighborhoods. Quote:

digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=true bgcolor=lightblue node [style=filled shape=box color=blue4 fontcolor=white] subgraph cluster_3 {FedWiki -> { Narrative Maps "Graphs\n(Neo4j)" Surveys Calculation "Shared\nDocuments" Patterns "Pattern\nLanguages" } } "Pattern\nLanguages" [color=blue4 fontcolor=white] Methods -> { "Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" "Sensitivity\nModeling" AIC "Idealized\nDesign" "Graphs\n(Neo4j)" FedWiki "Wiki (TheBrain)" Cynefin "Nested\nQuestions" Patterns "Pattern\nLanguages" "Causal\nAnalysis with\nInterrelationship\nDiagraphs &\nBayesian Belief Networks"} //Patterns [color=white fontcolor=black] Cynefin "Graphs\n(Neo4j)" FedWiki "Causal\nAnalysis with\nInterrelationship\nDiagraphs &\nBayesian Belief Networks" "Sensitivity\nModeling" "Nested\nQuestions" subgraph cluster_2 {"Resilience\nAssessment\n(VSM)" -> "Linkage\nMapping" -> "Scrum/\nAgile" -> Lean -> "Value\nStream\nMapping" -> "A3 Problem\nSolving"} subgraph cluster_1 {"Sensitivity\nModeling" -> "System\nDescription" -> "Set of\nActuating\nVariables" -> "Criteria\nMatrix" -> "Influence\nMatrix" -> "Systemic\nRoles" -> "Effect\nSystem" -> "Partial\nScenerios" -> Simulation -> "System\nEvaluation"} } } }

We must do this work as builders only. Not as facilitators or active agents in communities--because I do not see how a model dependent upon outsiders or experts can scale and spread in time.

It is important to understand that these methods and tools are held in abeyance or readiness until needed. Like a plumber who only brings the needed tools into the house from his truck. Over time the Control Room and its users will embed, master and adapt these tools to their needs.

This set of methods and tools is not a mere listing. It is a system, or more aptly a pattern language.

DSRP, Distinction, System, Relationships, Perspectives.

Interaction of Enthusiasms of youth, working people, elders.

AIC (Appreciation Influence Control)

Wiki (The Brain)

See also

See Learning to Wait as a foundational stance and "method."