Migration is handy if you have a database. This is my version that could apply migrations out of order when business required that. http://episodes.fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/episodes/view/episodes-pattern-language/view/supplemental-patterns/view/field-patch/view/sweep-mutation
This pattern language describes a form of software development appropriate for an entrepreneurial organization.
The Episodes pattern language is organized into sections containing a series of pattern each. The patterns themselves form a web that weaves between the sections.
Space limits in the original publication did not allow for the inclusion of all EPISODE patterns. Here we lists patterns to be included in part II of the Episodes pattern language
Bundle the Work Product in a form that it can be efficiently distributed to field locations in an emergency. Integrate this patches as you would any other Work Product. Patches can induce Sweep Mutation, but these must be considered part of one continuous development. Where truly one-off modifications are required, use a subclass and script it out of standard configurations.
Sweeping is the process of traversing clusters of application data as it is exported from or imported to the runtime memory environment. Expect to find any possible version of any object in the external world. Mutate these to the most current form as they are read. Write the most current form as new or modified objects are written.