

monastic | BrE məˈnastɪk, AmE məˈnæstɪk | adjective 1 (of or like monks) mönchisch 2 (of monasteries) klösterlich Kloster- ‹-gebäude, -architektur›

monastic | məˈnastɪk | adjective relating to monks, nuns, or others living under religious vows, or the buildings in which they live: a monastic order. • resembling or suggestive of monks or their way of life, especially in being austere, solitary, or celibate: she set her things round the monastic student bedroom. noun a monk or other follower of a monastic rule. DERIVATIVES monastically | məˈnastɪkli | adverb monasticism | məˈnastɪsɪz(ə)m | noun ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘anchoritic’): from late Latin monasticus, from Greek monastikos, from monazein ‘live alone’.