Sherman, set the Wayback for December 8, 1968, on stage at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco where Douglas Engelbart presented a 90 minute talk, "A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect."
In hindsight, many view this as a tour-de-force demonstration of all that the world wide web came to be years later.
ARCHIVE XD300-23_68HighlightsAResearchCntAugHumanIntellect Doug Engelbart & Co.'s "Mother of All Demos" Playlist
Almost all the fundamental elements of modern personal computing: windows, hypertext, graphics, efficient navigation and command input, video conferencing, the computer mouse, word processing, dynamic file linking, revision control, and a collaborative real-time editor (collaborative work) - wikipedia
This seminal moment in computer history has been reborn as an avant garde opera to be premièred on April 1 and 2 at Stanford’s Bing Concert Hall -
YOUTUBE mme0T6XOWQs Live Excerpts of the Mikel Rouse/Ben Neill collaboration The Demo, a hybrid music/theater re-imagining of Douglas Engelbart's historic 1968 demonstration on computer/human applications.
YOUTUBE yJDv-zdhzMY The Mother of All Demos is a name given retrospectively to Douglas Engelbart's December 9, 1968, demonstration of experimental computer technologies that are now commonplace. The live demonstration featured the introduction of the computer mouse, video conferencing, teleconferencing, hypertext, word processing, hypermedia, object addressing and dynamic file linking, bootstrapping, and a collaborative real-time editor."
As well as the complete version there are highlight and interactive
versions of the demo.
# See also - Mother of all Demos @50 - Douglas Engelbart