
The aggregate motion of a flock of birds, a herd of land animals, or a school of fish is a beautiful and familiar part of the natural world.

The rigid body physics engine is the most sophisticated simulation shown here. It is capable of replicating all of the other more specialized simulations. The physics engine handles collisions and also calculates contact forces which allow objects to push against each other. site


Motion | moˈt͜si̯oːn | feminine noun Gen. Motion Pl. Motionen 1 (Swiss) motion (Gen. by) 2 (Linguistics) change of form determined by gender motion | BrE ˈməʊʃn, AmE ˈmoʊʃ(ə)n | A noun 1 (movement) Bewegung (Fem.) Gang (Mask.) ▸ be in motion in Bewegung sein sich bewegen ‹Maschine›: laufen ‹Fahrzeug›: fahren ▸ set or put sth in motion (literal or figurative) etw. in Bewegung or Gang setzen see also perpetual motion, slow motion 2 (gesture) Bewegung (Fem.) Wink (Mask.) ▸ make a motion to sb to do sth jmdm. ein Zeichen geben, etw. zu tun ▸ a motion of the hand ein Zeichen mit der Hand eine Handbewegung 3 (formal proposal) (also Law ) Antrag (Mask.) ▸ put forward or propose a motion einen Antrag stellen 4 (of bowels) Stuhlgang (Mask.) ▸ have or make a motion Stuhlgang haben 5 in sing. or pl. (faeces) Stuhl (Mask.) 6 (manner of moving) [Körper]haltung (Fem.) 7 (change of posture) Bewegung (Fem.) ▸ make a motion to leave Anstalten machen wegzugehen 8 go through the motions of doing sth (simulate) so tun, als ob man etw. täte (do superficially) etw. pro forma tun ▸ go through the motions (simulate) nur so tun (do superficially) es nur pro forma tun B transitive verb ▸ motion sb to do sth jmdm. bedeuten, etw. zu tun (formal) jmdm. winken, etw. zu tun ▸ motion sb to[wards]/away from sth jmdm. bedeuten, zu etw. [hin]zugehen/von etw. wegzugehen (formal) ▸ motion sb aside jmdn. zur Seite winken ▸ motion sb to a seat jmdm. bedeuten, Platz zu nehmen (formal) C intransitive verb winken ▸ motion to sb to come in jmdn. hereinwinken ▸ motion to or for sb to do sth jmdm. bedeuten, etw. zu tun (formal)