
the motive for an Action

Amazingly, George Spencer Brown, as a mathematician, sees that every system of forms remains a leaden heap of signs as long as it is not brought to life by a will to Distinction, by a *motive*.

This motive is to be equated here with the will to speak, because all speaking is the signifying of differences – this is said and not that – and in turn only gets going when there are reasons to speak.

When speaking and communication start, they follow forms of structure and system formation, which on the one hand are by no means sufficiently described, and on the other hand come into play in very different types of systems. Thus, Spencer Brown characteristically speaks not only of archetypal structures forming mathematical forms, but also of the fact that "We" can directly perceive such archetypes.


WILLKE, Helmut, 2005. Symbolische Systeme: Grundriss einer soziologischen Theorie. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-938808-01-6, p. 142.