Multi-sectoral Localization

# COMMUNITY--MULTI-SECTORAL LOCALIZATION Nearly everything must change about the current corporate-consumerist globalization model in order to secure a livable future for people and the biosphere. This is a tall order, but for localization initiatives to most meaningfully challenge the destructive global economy and create viable, joyous alternatives, they must strive for such comprehensive, holistic, multi-sectoral change. Here we share actions, guides, and inspiring examples of such initiatives from around the world, reclaiming local food, energy, finance, dwellings, business, and community. # Multi-sectoral localization Actions

* [ ] Join and spread the word about the Global Movement for Localization.

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* [ ] Start or join an Ecovillage. Expand Action

# Voices from the field * The Economics of Happiness, a film by Local Futures, spells out the social, spiritual, and ecological costs of today’s global economy while highlighting the multiple benefits of economic localization. The film showcases the steps people are already taking worldwide to rebuild their local economies and communities. Featuring Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Samdhong Rinpoche, and other inspiring thinkers and activists.

* Tomorrow is a documentary that "sets out to showcase alternative and creative ways of viewing agriculture, economics, energy and education. It offers constructive solutions to act on a local level to make a difference on a global level."

* In Transition is a documentary about the Transition movement, showcasing "communities around the world responding to peak oil and climate change with creativity, imagination and humour, and setting about rebuilding their local economies and communities... In the film you'll see stories of communities creating their own local currencies, setting up their own pubs, planting trees, growing food, celebrating localness, caring, sharing."

* The Call for a New Economy, a podcast by Upstream, explores the movement for a new economy "From energy co-operatives in Spain that are literally bringing power to the local level, to a small school hidden deep in the English moors that is redesigning the study of economics, to a vast coalition in North America that is challenging domination by the 1%."

# Policy

* Manifesto for Local Economies by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies in the UK details many policy solutions that "build local economies where wealth is harnessed and works for all."

* The Municipalities for Transition project helps municipalities and local governments "connect with their communities and respond to the great challenges of this historical period adopting a systemic view and methodologies inspired by the Transition Towns movement approach and learnings."

# Resources

* The Local Series, by Green Books, includes guidebooks on Community Energy, Local Sustainable Homes, Local Money, and Local Food.

* The report 21 Stories of Transition: How a Movement of Communities is Coming Together to Reimagine and Rebuild Our World profiles some outstanding projects of the global Transition movement that are "driven not by think tanks or political parties, but by communities. It signposts a global movement towards resilience at a local level....Grassroots movements are literally growing the foundations for a more positive, fairer, inclusive future that begins within the local context."

* Transition founder Rob Hopkins writes about Liége en Transition in Belgium, one of the most successful, exemplary Transition initiatives, comprising numerous direct farm-to-consumer projects, shops for small producers, 14 interwoven co-ops doing mushroom-growing, cargo bicycle distribution, seed saving, beer brewing, and more, and a local currency.

* In the journal article Community, commons, and degrowth at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Joshua Lockyer describes how Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in Missouri, US is forging models of "prosperity without growth" by "cultivating cooperative cultural values and behaviors, recreating the commons, and sharing their experiences and lessons with broader publics."

* In her book Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community, Karen Litfin embarks on a global journey to document how, in the global ecovillage movement, "Not only is another world possible, it is already being born in small pockets the world over."