My Core Values

During a dark period of this journey, Jami challenged me to lock myself away and to journal. Just write and write, she told me, that was my assignment. Write and feel. Write and learn.

So I did. For hours. I just wrote.

I don't know what I was looking for. I was just curious in my exploration.

As I did, I began to see patterns of meaning. It felt good to feel the feelings. And to find their flow.

But then, like the pieces of a puzzle, an understanding came together. And it boiled down to defining the three values that were guiding my journey working with students, educators and my staff: * Love * Trust * Empower

To love each person and believe in their creative genius. To trust them with my vulnerabilities as I walk this journey of discovery. And then to be committed the help empower them to greatness.

Each morning, as part of my meditation practice, I repeat this prayer for the new day: > May I joyfully love, trust, and empower all those around me.

Reminding myself of my Core Values each day focuses my commission on my sacred intention and gives me the courage to venture forth as an agent of change.

These values allow me to be Quicker to Joy.