Myers Briggs Types

The Myers Briggs personality test classifies people (roughly) into to the following types:

What are the funny letters? Each of the 4 letters in your acronym shows your preference along one of the following four dimensions:

E/I = Extrovert / Introvert (E reenergizes from being around people, I from being away from people) S/N = Sensation / iNtuition ''("I" was taken, so they use "N")'' (S wants concrete, 'now' relevance, N likes abstraction) (S watches things external, N looks inward) T/F = Thinking / Feeling (T values rules, F values relationships) J/P = Judging / Perceiving - the mode of thought used first (J likes to have decision made, P likes to defer decision making) (J uses T or F first, P uses S or N first)


SJ (Sensation+Judging) - "The Guardians" (Security Seeking) SP (Sensation+Perceiving) - "The Artisans" (Sensation Seeking) NT (iNtuition+Thinking) - "The Rationals" (Knowledge Seeking) NF (iNtuition+Feeling) - "The Idealists" (Identity Seeking)

Use the Myers Briggs Search script to find "Myers Briggs pages."

My husband took a class at work once, where they shorthanded the four major divisions as follows:

SJ is Capt. Kirk

SP is Scotty

NT is Mr. Spock

NF is Bones

Works for me. --KGrace

Oh, I almost forgot. It was at IBM, and something like 70% of the class tested NT. Big surprise!

A Gaggle of ... (humour)

'''Naming Type Groups'''

an invasion of ENTJs

an argument of INTJs ('conspiracy' is more like it. -- anon INTJ)

a froth of ENTPs

a heresy of INTPs

a broadcast of ENFPs

a synod of INFPs

a cooperation of ENFJs

an empathy of INFJs

a precision of ISTJs

a favor of ISFJs

a quantum of ESTJs

a cotillion of ESFJs

a pallette of ISFPs

an implement of ISTPs

a gala of ESFPs

a scrum of ESTPs

author unknown

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