
Globally, and within the bioregion, nature is being depleted through over-harvesting, development, poor agricultural practices, toxic contamination, and other causes.

Monarch butterflies in Big Sur, California.

"Nature" includes the core and crust of the earth, the biosphere itself — teeming with forests, grasslands, wetlands, tundra, kelp forests, deserts, and other ecosystems — and the upper layers of the atmosphere. Its most critical and irreplaceable component is Biodiversity at the scale of populations, species, landscapes, and the entire biosphere.

Nature provides a wide variety of valuable Ecosystem Services including flood control, Climate Services, maintenance of Soil Services, and even Beauty and Play. Healthy ecosystems make very significant economic contributions, but often in ways that transcend conventional accounting.

In order to maintain nature and the services that it provides, the physical basis for the productivity and diversity of nature must not be systematically deteriorated. Overharvesting or direct forms of manipulation (paving, soil erosion, etc.) that deplete nature result in degraded ecosystem services. This gap in services may be experienced as the collapse of a fishery, diminished water quality from upstream deforestation, extreme weather events, or in dozens of other ways. Until True Cost Pricing that assigns prices based on actual social and environmental costs is achieved, there will be a scarcity of immediate economic incentives to maintain nature. Many efforts are underway to value both ecosystems and the stream of benefits they provide, and to establish a system of national nature accounts. Valuation techniques include estimating the cost of replacing lost ecosystem services or conducting surveys on the willingness of individuals to pay to protect ecosystems.

Because the human species co-evolved with the ecosystems of this planet, nature is inherently suited to equitably meet a broad range of Fundamental Needs. The challenge then must be to provide opportunities for investment in nature at all scales while making sure that its benefits continue to be distributed broadly and Social Equity. Nature must be understood in its economic dimensions to avoid its destruction by markets that underestimate its value. At the same time, the wealth of nature cannot benefit only a few.

Nature can be protected through careful application of Ecological Land-Use to maintain habitat quality and connectivity for all species. A Connected Wildlands can coexist with Productive Rural Areas and Compact Towns and Cities, with each part of the landscape contributing to the stability of nature. Better Materials Cycles prevent the systematic contamination of living systems. Society contributes to a culture of sufficiency easing consumption pressures on Natural Capital.

Apply ecological land-use planning, implement sustainable materials cycles, seek a redefinition of social capital towards sufficiency rather than excess, and work towards a tax shift which fully values environmental costs and benefits. Seek new business models and ways of managing commons that broadly and equitably distribute responsibilities toward — and benefits from — nature.