
A densely enough scattered Hologram of a table, for example, would be, if it succeeded, indistinguishable from a "perceived given" table. (Flusser, Vom Subjekt zum Projekt, 122–123)

> From the universe of numbers, understood as a field of Possibilities, some algorithms are picked out because they "should be". These algorithms are processed, fed into a Holograph and from there designed into space in the form of a four-dimensional cube. The particles "corresponding" to the chosen numbers are scattered so densely [⇒ ‘Dense’ Address] that the cube now stands in space like an object. Such a cube would be "immaterial", "pure" intention, "pure" ought, it is not an object which could be negated by a subject [⇒ Negation]. With it there can no longer be talk of "being", but only of "ought", and a new Ontology is to be brought into play here. Even to call this cube a "simulation" of an object makes little sense. (p. 144)


negate | BrE nɪˈɡeɪt, AmE nəˈɡeɪt | transitive verb 1 (formal) (be negation of) widersprechen (+ Dat.) 2 (nullify) zunichte machen 3 (Linguistics) negieren (technical) verneinen