Whisp: Essential guiding concepts.
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=LR overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue // splines=" " node [shape=box style=rounded] label="Neighborhood Principles" "Be Fair" -> "Build\nTrust" "Don't\nTollerate\nRudness" -> "Build\nTrust" "Explore\nPerspectives" -> "Build\nTrust" "Never\nGive Up" "Be\nTransparent" [color=red penwidth=2] "Be\nTransparent" -> "Build\nTrust" "Widest\nPossible\nParticipation" -> {"Show\nSteady\nResults" "Build\nTrust"} "Never\nGive Up" -> "Show\nSteady\nResults" "Scale\nfor Action" -> "Show\nSteady\nResults" "Show\nSteady\nResults" -> "Build\nTrust" Structure -> {"Widest\nPossible\nParticipation" "Scale\nfor Action" } "Scale\nfor Action" [color=red penwidth=2] Behavior -> {"Be Fair" "Don't\nTollerate\nRudness" "Explore\nPerspectives" "Be\nTransparent" "Never\nGive Up"} Strategy -> { Aikido "Local Funding" "Local Capacity" "Local Capability" "Short Term\nwith Long Term" "Big and Small" "Youth & Seniors" "Parallel Projects" "Adjacency Heuristic"} Joyful [color=red penwidth=2] Purpose -> {Joyful Prosperous } }
Use weighted selection matrix for prioritization. Be sure to create Ethical Systems.