Neo4j Movie Graph

We sample a small portion of the frequently cited Movie graph, download this as json, then convert it to our format.

match (n)-[r]->(m) where rand()<0.001 return *

Their graph has 31,157 nodes and 170,499 relations. We expect ours to be proportionally smaller.


$ wget

<p><button onclick=dodownload()>download</button></p> <div id=result></div> <script type=module> import { Graph } from '' import { csv } from "" try { const records = await fetch('./records.json').then(res => res.json()) // const records = await csv('./export.csv') console.log(records) window.result.innerText = `${records.length} records` } catch (e) { window.result.innerText = e.message } </script>

$ wget $ wget


Neo4j goes to some length to allow us to try the live database with interesting datasets. Login here with user, password, and database "recommendations". neo4jlabs