Network Visualisation

He we list a few pages and sites about graph and network visualisation as it relates to FedWiki.

On this site we collect links, code and ideas about how we can visualise and navigate graphs.

The Wolfram Language is a general multi-paradigm programming language developed by Wolfram Research, that serves as the main interfacing language for Mathematica and the Wolfram Programming Cloud - wikipedia

A visualization made with python of the 3 people activity on a git hub repository during 19 weeks of Fab Academy in Milan

Graph Commons is a project by Burak Arikan. Hew ill be presenting two workshops at the 2016 transemdiale festival in February.

Here we examine the utility of hand drawn graphs in concept and wiki navigation and comprehension.

Dagre (Directed graph renderer for Javascript) -

Here we explore how we can integrate wiki into a mapping environment - either a Geographic Wiki Map, or a Conceptual Wiki Map.

Neo4j is an open-source graph database implemented in Java and accessible from software written in other languages using the Cypher query language through a transactional HTTP endpoint. wikipedia site

We can represent large graphs in many ways. My favourite is the ability to create and cluster large graphs as "countries", where the arcs are roads, and the nodes are places or cities.

Trivial Graph Format (TGF) is a simple text-based file format for describing graphs - wikipedia

It has not really been possible until very recently to represent large interactive graphs visually, and especially not on the web.

How might we draw meaningful diagrams of wiki that don't turn quickly into a fuzzball of links?

I make the same sort of diagrams over and over. Here I list fragments of dot code that have proven useful. website

Dagre is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to lay out directed graphs on the client-side - github

Cytoscape.js is an open-source graph theory (a.k.a. network) library written in JavaScript. You can use Cytoscape.js for graph analysis and visualisation -

Human Ecosystems is a family of real-time system capturing information from social networks to visualise the human geography of cities, across space, time and relations -

The following quote is from timbl :

The visualisation of complex multidimensional relationships as geographic maps is a powerful way to combine notions of clustering and topological relationships in an intuitive and playful way.

Both Federated Wiki's and Liquid Democracy share the same need: to be able to visualise the network of connections.

The Smallest Federated Wiki is designed around the idea of data, or Linked Data to eb precise. Every paragraph, that is every item in a wiki panel or [Wiki Story] is data (a JSON Object).

Information about the relative importance of nodes and edges in a graph can be obtained through centrality measures, widely used in disciplines like sociology. For example, eigenvector centrality uses the eigenvectors of the Adjacency Matrix corresponding to a network, to determine nodes that tend to be frequently visited. Formally established measures of centrality are degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, subgraph centrality and Katz centrality. The purpose or objective of analysis generally determines the type of centrality measure to be used. For example, if one is interested in dynamics on networks or the robustness of a network to node/link removal, often the dynamical importanceCharacterizing the Dynamical Importance of Network Nodes and Links of a node is the most relevant centrality measure.For a centrality measure based on k-core analysis see ref.[ A model of Internet topology using k-shell decomposition]

Graphoid (git repo) is a node.js service that converts a graph definition into a static PNG image using the same Vega library code that runs in advanced browsers. Graphoid is used as a fallback for non-JS enabled/compatible browsers -

GvMap is an algorithm for visualizing graphs as maps. It is part of the Graphviz library, and was originally called the GMap Algorithm.

The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base used by Google to enhance its search engine's search results with semantic-search information gathered from a wide variety of sources - wikipedia

This graph database has worked well enough that we want to be good at applying it. There are documents that might help.