No Route Found

You define Routes by adding Route Modules to the app/Route/ folder. page Find Route

How to define Routes for Lineups?

The lineup is the list of wiki pages currently displayed within one tab, in order, with duplication possible.

See fedwiki/wiki-client/lib/ code : The lineup represents a sequence of pages with possible duplication. We maintain the lineup in parallel with the DOM list of .page elements. Eventually lineup will play a more central role managing calculations and display updates.

Example lineup:


No route found for /view/welcome-visitors/view/no-route-found/view/the-elm-pages-architecture Did you mean to go to one of these routes: * /blog/:slug * /view/:slug * /greet * /hello * /index

Compare our Route.View.Slug_ module with the Route.Blog.Slug_ sample module. ⇐ Find RouteSplat RoutesOptional Splat Routes

Issue with only catch-all routing #397 github , post

npx elm-pages@latest run AddRoute View.Slug_.SPLAT__

Debugger (Inspect) commit – replace View.Slug_ with View.Slug_.SPLAT__

rename elm-pages-starter-express/app/Route/View/{Slug_.elm => Slug_/SPLAT__.elm}


Watch expressions: routeParams

15785 and 15786 (breakpoints) (http) – with example lineup.


Deciding Between Server-Rendered and Pre-Rendered Routes page

remote pages, e.g.

Inspect your pages BackendTask. post , github

Data, ActionData

StatelessRoute vs StatefulRoute

Miller Columns in ES6 Modules JavaScript github

Unable to start examples #395 github , post

DOT FROM lambda-browsing