
Product/system name: NoteCards

Hardware: Xerox "workstations" (cf. IDE)

Software: written with INTERLISP; offers powerful programming aid with over 150 functions for extending/adapting NoteCards via LISP open interface

Examples of use: "Idea Processing"; good for presentation ("Guided Tours")

Special features: makes high demands on "adaptability", "taskability" (i.e. user-flexible); networked card approach; largely node/object oriented; elementary unit a "notecard" (of which approx. 50 special types); each card must be contained in a "FileBox" (= hierarchically nested collection of thematically related cards); links marked by icons, also managed as cards; no database support, cards are managed in a "notefile"; no "multi-user" support; allows "guided tours" (as navigation support) with branching paths: "guided tours can be displayed via table tops or graphical overviews; by InterNote extension: rich annotation capabilities for collaborative writing; allows warm linking (traverses values); supports inheritance via types mechanism; no longer under development

Authors: s. Literature

Literature: Halasz/Moran/Trigg (1987); Marshall/Irish (1989); Halasz (1988-ACM); Foss (1988)

Institution: Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center