Notes: Forms of class practice

**Notes: Forms of class practice**

- **Organic intellectual** vs Professional-Managerial Class, revolutionary vanguard, priestly caste, bardic elite, etc. **Illich** *Tools for conviviality, Deschooling society*. Organic intellectual practice is a discovey of the Fordist era.

- **Commoning** - curating, stewarding and enjoying by all - not the enclosing bureaucratising State, the consumerist patriarchal household, the capitalist monetising market. The primacy of **the mutual sector**. **Bauwens/P2PF** P2P-commons. Peer-to-peer is one of the discoveries of the post-post-Fordist period.

- **Free association, self-organising**, and **facilitation** of the self-organising of knowing. **Freire** *conscientisation*. Not the authoritative State, or the nanny State. Not the cultural industries. Facilitation is one of the great political discoveries of the baby-boomer, post-Freudian, post-Fordist activist generation.