Notes on the Synthesis of Form

Christopher Alexander ( ) is an architect and professor emeritus at Cal Berkeley. He is very interested in design, and computer folks who read his books are always impressed by the parallels with designing software. He originated the patterns concept in the later 1960s and early '70s. In particular, a lot of the jargon we use when we are talking about patterns, such as "forces" and the distinction between problem and solution, come from his work.

For his dissertation, later published under the title Notes on the Synthesis of Form, he was awarded the first Gold Medal for Research by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). wikipedia

Here is a journal, started in the spring of 2019, where I am exploring different ideas that have yet to find their place within a tapestry of patterns. They are concepts that I am beginning to explore – incomplete and emerging.

Here are my journal entries that is my Learning Journal in this process of re-imagining education.