Old Books And Papers

The thing I miss most about school is the university library. I used to spend lots of time reading old books and papers about computer science (and other subjects). It's hard to find those things at Barnes & Noble. -- Kris Johnson

Depending on your interests you may find some really good sources of these on the internet:

MIT AI Lab publications:
www.ai.mit.edu . A good starting point is ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/classic-hits/

Cite Seer:
citeseer.nj.nec.com . Search engine for CS papers and references/bibliographies.

www.alibris.com . Second hand book store, where you can often find out-of-print books that you want and buy them cheap.

Manuscripts of Ew Dijkstra:
www.cs.utexas.edu , from the 60s up to the present.

Henry Baker's archive of research papers:
linux.rice.edu .

Dennis Ritchie's homepage:
www.cs.bell-labs.com . Various Unix-related papers.

Some collected papers from various authors on Richard Fateman's website:

Move to any big city! You'll have plenty of university libraries to choose from, and all the other great cultural elements as well.

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