Association enables groups to quickly set up a collective, raise funds and manage them transparently. site
Funds Available: Your available funds are visible to everyone. Anyone can see the money that went in & out of the collective.
Unpaid Expenses: All submitted expenses can be seen by everyone. Core members of a collective can approve or reject them.
While the Internet has been very good so far at helping people do things together, it is still very difficult for groups to collect money and use it transparently. As a result, we see initiatives, projects, movements popping up here and there that disappear quickly from lack of funding.
OpenCollective, Inc.
EIN: 47-3896707
340 S Lemon Ave #3717
Walnut CA 91789
USA faq
Not to be confused with Open Studio Collective, Portland, Oregon. site
Open Collective is a company incorporated based on Delaware State law, to provide financial services to commons projects. The projects are enabled to use OC and its charity OC Foundation if they need a legal entitity for fund raising and contracting.