There has been a proliferation of Think Tanks in recent years, with nearly 7,000 world wide. An Open Think Tank is a project to create a think tank that uses a structured but open collaboration model.
While there are many online communities that directly or indirectly aspire to many of the Open Think Tank Goals, I know of none that are structured explicitly and constitutionally for the benefit of Knowledge Curation and creation.
A first rough introduction to the aims of Thought Garden and the Open Think Tank. View this recording over at - audioboom
# Social Editorial
We aim to build a Social Editorial which differs from the Wikipedia type models that we are familiar with, nor do we wish simply to re-instate editorial panels as you might have in scientific publishing. We look for new structures, based on older ideas like Liquid Democracy and Reputation.
# Smart Network
Lauren Nignon seeks to do a similar project and uses the term Smart Network. Other groups and companies around the world are also engaged and will be increasingly attracted to this area in the coming months and years. It is a growth zone.
We should explore the synergy between these. Is the idea of a Smart Network any difference in substance to an Open Think Tank, if so let's spell this difference out. The branding is different.
# See also