
We can think of ornament as macro definitions that describe what to do with arguments when eventually called.

> Our strategy is to recognize Ornament that is written purely in the Dot syntax and to pass that through the translator without modification. Ornament that describes treatment of subgraph nodes and arcs will be held and repeated as necessary to expand the complete subgraph.


A noun | BrE ˈɔːnəm(ə)nt, AmE ˈɔrnəm(ə)nt | 1 (decorative object) Schmuckgegenstand (Mask.) Ziergegenstand (Mask.) (on pillar etc.) Ornament (Neutr.) (person) Zierde (Fem.) 2 no pl. (decorating) Verzierungen Pl. Zierrat (Mask.) (formal) ▸ for or by way of ornament zum Schmuck or zur Zierde ▸ an altar rich in ornament ein reich verzierter Altar 3 usu. in pl. (Religion) Kirchengerät (Neutr.) liturgisches Gerät 4 in pl. (Music) Verzierungen Pl. Ornamente Pl.

B transitive verb | BrE ˈɔːnəmɛnt, AmE ˈɔrnəmɛnt | verzieren