
Non-Standard Experiments in Anthropology, the Social Sciences, and Cosmology. site , obsidian.md


Abb. 6: Periodische und chaotische Schwingungen lassen sich durch Metabolitpulse ineinander umschalten.

Fig. 6: Periodic and chaotic oscillations can be switched into each other by metabolite pulses. Shown is the course of the glycolytic intermediate phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). The pulses (indicated by arrows) consist of rapid supply or rapid consumption of the intermediate fructose-6-phosphate (F6P).

Chaotic and hyperstable Oscillations represent two fundamentally different time-setting functions of glycolytic dynamics. The chaotic function gives the system a high degree of flexibility, which could be useful in optimization processes of the cell. The hyperstable function, on the other hand, provides an extremely "shock-proof" Clock. We hypothesize that there are regulatory mechanisms that generate chaotic function when new environmental conditions arise and cells must adapt through trial and error. Hyperstable function, on the other hand, is realized when adaptation has already occurred and should be maintained stable as long as environmental conditions are nearly constant.

Benno Hess / Mario Markus. Chemische Uhren. In: Selbstorganisation, p. 61–79, here p. 71–72