Implement participatory budgeting where you live. Participatory budgeting is a way for citizens to actively engage in deciding how their tax money is spent. Local residents not only discuss and vote on public investments, they also develop and present ideas. Participatory budgeting has been implemented by more than 2,700 governments and 1,700 cities worldwide.
# Take Action
* Learn how to set up a participatory budgeting process, and read case studies of successful examples with CitizenLab’s Beginners Guide to Participatory Budgeting .
* The Participatory Budgeting Project has created an Organizing Toolkit for participatory budgeting advocates, and a Scoping Toolkit for officials and staff in local government. They also offer resources for implementing participatory budgeting in schools
* For the UK, check out this Introductory Guide to Participatory Budgeting from the PB Network.
* Read about the potential impacts and successful examples of participatory budgeting in this backgrounder by Will Flagle on The Next System Project’s Elements of the Democratic Economy
# Get inspired
* In 2008, Lisbon (Portugal) became the first European capital to adopt participatory budgeting, by empowering citizens to use parts of the city's budget each year for projects to make the city more sustainable, resilient and environmentally-friendly. Read about Lisbon's first 10 years of participatory budgeting here .