
Clearly there a two methods of generating peace--Domination to suppress Conflict or design for Participation.

What are the Cybernetics of Peace? What can the VSM model add to increasing the viability of peace?

Systematically remove the need for domination by co-visualizing the relationships for collaboration, coordination, cooperation, co-design, and co-identification—at every scale. Then monitoring these participatory relationships for timely self-correction. There is no other way. =========== Even a co-op can’t get around domination: it kills some narratives, conversations and behaviors in favour of others. The Viable System does so as well. It takes decisions. It distributes benefits among its members or participants. Perhaps I do not understand how you understand *domination* here. Social Systems do not have dominant monads in the sense that they have 100% full control of their participants. But they control through communication (words, concepts, ideas, generating expectations and thus creating the moral electric fence wire to discuss deviation). But still no 100% control, compared to the dog: if it gets up and moves, 100% of its cells move into the same direction). Olaf/2020/11/02 13:46 --- Domination is having decision made without participation of those being affected. After pondering Freedom AND Solidarity for about a decade, I came to believe that the ''AND'' is equivalent to participation. In governance it really means co-op style decision making. Both Beer and Ackoff put forward models where decisions are made by groups that include three levels of recursion. If we are unwilling or unable to do this then domination and lack of peace will follow. Christopher Alexanders' approach to "non-destructive transforms" or healthy development requires this three level awareness inform all architectural decisions. Marc: 2020/11/06