In category theory it is made explicit about which category it is currently talked about. This leads to a Situatedness and perspective taking.
> A category is a world of objects, all looking at one another. Each sees the world
from a different viewpoint.
Leinster (2016): Basic Category Theory
> So at the nLab, we don’t care so much about being neutral. Although we don’t want to offend people unnecessarily, we are also not ashamed about writing from this particular point of view.
nPOV in the nLab
> Because active inference models, and the free energy framework more broadly, are descriptions of systems that are ‘open’ to an environment, interacting with it, and therefore situated “in context”, they are particularly suited to a category-theoretic reformulation. Likewise, Bayesianism and the free energy framework lend themselves to a subjectivist metaphysics [..], which is itself in alignment
with the unavoidable perspective-taking of categorical models, and which is not dissimilar from the emerging ‘biosemiotic’ reconceptualization of biological information-processing [..].
St Clere Smithe (2022): Mathematical Foundations for a Compositional Account of the Bayesian Brain
> According to phenomenological interpretations [..], the structure of symmetric monoidal
categories might already reflect the structure of experience.
Signorelli, Wang, Coecke (2021): Reasoning about conscious experience with axiomatic and graphical mathematics