Place Network

The human mind tends to segregate elements form one another, like buildings, streets and squares. De

Humans have a basic need to occupy room-like spaces that are connected to other spaces – but whose connections they can control. This basic need exists at all scales of place.


When planning a building, a street or other parts of an environmental structure, conceive of them as part of a tapestry of places – a place network. Work to articulate these places as part of a continuous Network with many connections, and many points of modulation of connection: doors, windows, gates, hedges, fences and other structures.

When … Along the 400M Through Street Network (p. 33) and within the Sanctuary (p. 66) too, there is a need for articulation of public space and private space, and the tissue that connects them ...

Then Create place networks all along the Walkable Streetscape (p. 93)...