Playground: Plugmatic

This plugin queries the origin server for information about installed plugins. Server administrators can install new or updated existing plugins from included inventories. github

Say STATUS for a traffic light indicating install options. ⇒ loading plugin details


NB. Both STATUS and PUBLISHED require slow queries of npm so these are avoided except when specific plugins are inventoried. See Admin Plugins

?: Rostermatic, grep, plugins

plugins – List available plugins for a federated wiki site. github

See More about Plugmatic Plugin for details regarding system administration.

> […] how individuals are identified by the security module in use.

Scott is a MediaWiki expert. We met at a MediaWiki conference where I showed our recent work with aspect graphs. Inspired, he sought to install federated wiki as localhost following our instructions. I tried to help but even working together we did not succeed.

- You need Plugmatic, fortunately it is preinstalled. - You need to choose Plugmatic on the Factory menu. - You need a Factory item, that comes from the [+] button - You need a place to put it but you have no pages yet. - You have Welcome Visitors, I won't explain how. - You need to type the plugin name which isn't Zones. - You need to close the editor with the right keystroke. - You need to click on the red stoplight to install. - But the stoplight is gray because you are not admin.


Choose a version to install. Click `install`– nothing happens.

Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "plugmatic", window.plugins is undefined onclick http://localhost:3000/dialog/#:1 localhost:3000:1:1


On Ubuntu using default security, we get "service requires admin user".