
KANDINSKY, Wassily, 1926. Punkt und Linie zu Fläche: Beitrag zur Analyse der malerischen Elemente. Albert Langen.

The geometrical point is an invisible being. It must be defined therefore as an immaterial being. Materially thought the point resembles a Zero. But in this zero are hidden different qualities which are "human". In our conception this zero – the geometrical point – is connected with the highest scarcity, i.e. with the greatest restraint, which speaks however. Thus, the geometrical point is in our imagination the highest and most single connection of Silence and speaking. [⇒ Reden und Schweigen]

See Pt.

* something we can **point** to ⇒ Tetrahedral SystemSystemInput PlaneOutput Plane


Fig. 3.11. “The Magic TV” (a) System (b) Output Plane. Pairs of letters correspond to processing units, labeled by the images of test vectors (with Coordinates defined in (c)). (c) Input Plane showing those points to which the various processing units (corresponding to Nodes of the Net) have become most sensitive