
Howard Stearns via discord thinks there's a natural desire to reach out and touch what you can see, and it's slightly disappointing to follow up on the delight of opening a portal with a limitation of not being able to touch. […] – do we really need to?

> To me, the idea of a portal is exactly like a Link with a live preview, not a means of interacting at a distance.


DOT FROM two-level-diagram


codefrau 🦩 — 2022-06-06 via discord Here is what works for me: - open two different microverse worlds in two separate windows from two independent web servers - copy and paste the URL of one world into the other world to create a portal into the first world - repeat in second world window, to create a portal that links back - walk between the worlds - note how the URLs change, when you walk to a different server it gets a "canonical" argument but the shell still runs on the original server - press reload to "normalize" the URL
