I've pre-built hex files for the standard Txtzyme interpreter. In this post I show you where to find them and where to find a longish but still simple Txtzyme program to run on it.
Choose the download for your Teensy:
Load this file with the Teensy Loader. When you're done, try blinking the Teensy's LED with a command like:
echo "5{1o 100m 0o 100m}" >/dev/cu.usbmodem12341
This works from OS X's Terminal program.
Morse Code
You'll want to try something with your new Txtzyme interpreter. I've worked up a half-dozen sample projects and shared them on GitHub. The first ever project used simple programs like these to blink Morse code (o for output, m for millisecond delay):
1o 50m 0o 50m for dot 1o 150m 0o 50m for dash
I've refined this a little so that Txtzyme also generates a tone while it blinks. The attached file (morse.txt) contains generated commands you can send straight to your Teensy. Here is a shell one-liner to do it:
curl 'http://dorkbotpdx.org/files/morse.txt' >/dev/cu.usbmodem12341
Of course you will want to try different messages. Here is the perl program I used to generate the attachment. Read more about the translation logic on the Txtzyme Morse project page.