
DOT FROM lambda-browsing

"The success of many-shot prompts may be recast through this lens: if the prompt consists of numerous instances of a Function, it is unlikely that the continuation is anything but another instance of the function, whereas if there is only one or a few examples, it is less implausible that the continuation breaks from the pattern." ⇒ Task Specification by Memetic Proxy

[…] **After consolidation of the world society, however, the question will arise whether the unity of the evolving system does not make all intermediate solutions obsolete and if one wants further evolution, one must also plan it.** ⇒ Socio-Cultural Evolution


Here's a JavaScript representation of the statement:

const examples = [...]; let continuation; if (examples.length >= numerous) { continuation = examples[0]; } else { continuation = someOtherFunction(); }

Note that numerous and someOtherFunction() would need to be defined in order for this code to be functional. This code snippet is intended to demonstrate how the statement could be translated into code form.